Saturday 5 March 2016

Crossfit - The beginning and Transition

Good Morning and Happy Saturday,

so to anybody who read my last blog post, you'll notice that it's been over a year since I last posted. I got lazy and didn't do any work. 

I'm now trying to change that. I aim to update this blog at least once a week with the aim of doing it everyday eventually.

So a quick update of what's happened in the last year. 

I joined a new gym in Stratford called Gym Box. It was great at first however got way to busy and I've now taken the leap and have joined a new Crossfit start-up in Forest Gate called Crossfit Dawn.

I'm not going to go into the common crossfit arguments here of why it good or bad for you.

Before I get into my current workouts I must mention what I've been doing over the last year with my training. You'll see I started off 2015 with some German Volume Training to shock my body back into shape.

About March 2015 I discovered Cory Gregory, the founder of Muscle Pharm's Squat Every Day Challenge and started doing that.

Link here:

I came across it in the great barbell shrugged podcast episode that I recommend you all listen to:

I did that by the book and then did the sequel by the book and then started just squatting every workout since life took over and I couldn't commit the time.

Since squatting everyday, besides increasing my squat loads. Both Front and Back I've actually been injury free for the first time ever. Something about it has meant that I've not been out due to a hurt back for over a year now.

Fast forward to today. I took the leap and joined Crossfit Dawn two weeks ago and have been slowly getting accustomed to doing WODs or Workout Of the Days. It's been good and I'm feeling great.

I'm now looking into integrating Squatting every day with Crossfit MetCons going forward.


That's it for now. Got to cook my omelette and finish this Spartan Up! podcast featuring Richard Branson I'm currently trying to watch:

Talk to you soon!
