Saturday 31 January 2015


Welcome to my life and fitness blog.

I'm not your average blogger and I don't have too much to say. I just want to share my experiences of living in London, working whilst trying to stay as fit and as healthy as possible whilst still have a life.

I'm a strong believer in functional fitness, olympic lifts, strength training and compound moves. If you're looking for a blog on how to 'get ripped for summer' or how to 'get bulging biceps and a six pack' then please don't waste your time here. I don't isolate arms, nor do I ever isolate my abs.

I believe in Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Pressing, Overhead Pressing, Cleaning and Snatching in that order. I then believe in following this with a bit of conditioning for the heart and so I'm not always out of breath on the rugby pitch.

Diet wise. I've recently started juicing. Lame, I know. I also do 16/8 but not too strictly. Otherwise I like eating lots of meat, when I can afford it, lots of nuts and green veg, some good carbs and a well deserved beer or whisky after training!

I'll keep this post short. Off to the gym. I usually preach low reps, high weight, however since Christmas I've been quite low on my performance so I've made the stupid decision to do a few weeks of GVT (German Volume Training, 10x10) to shock my body back into performing. After a horrible 10 sets of Squats yesterday I'm going to superset Bench Press with Chin-Ups today. Not Fun!

Wish me luck!

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